Friday, September 9, 2022

Shedd Aquarium (Aug 11)

The boys and I took the opportunity to go to the aquarium before school started. Our realtor/friend that helped us sell our home actually gifted us with an annual membership. So sweet!

By the way, the observatory is right next door near this parking lot.  That will be another spot to visit next time.  Oh, $35 for parking.  Sheesh!!

What a view of the city from here!
Momma and her boys :-)  That's the Shedd Aquarium by the water's edge in the background:
Lake Michigan is pretty rough today.  Those are pretty big splashes along the edge:
Okay, I love taking photos of light fixtures and ceilings.  This one doesn't disappoint.  It's almost like an octopus?!
The attention to detail along the walls are so amazing too:
We only have a few hours here as we had a late start.  This looks like a good spot to start:
This place is already pretty impressive:
I wonder how these fish evolved to have that huge bump on their heads?! Ha!
Shrimp with claws??!
I can't remember the name of this fish now, but it kept its mouth open for the longest time!
Piranhas!  Charlie is trying to tempt one, obviously from this side of the glass thankfully:
Snack time:
We head downstairs:
Oh my goodness, the belugas are the cutest!!
We hang out and wait for the show to start:
The dolphins put up on a show:
And unfortunately, it was a really short show.  I think we waited longer than the show itself!  

Makes me miss seeing dolphins by the beach when we lived back in CA:
The belugas are being fed after the show so we hang out for a bit to watch the trainers:
The belugas are almost like puppies, tempted and trained with food as a reward:
Wait, I think we do that with the boys too.  Ha ha!

We are making our way out of the aquarium.  We need to start driving home soon before traffic starts to get bad.  Graham and Charlie wants to touch the rays. Oh, so close but can't quite touch it yet!
Finally, a few of the rays swim close enough for the boys to pet them:
Heading back to the car and it's funny how the boys walk so far away from the edge.  I'm glad I don't have to yell at them about being too close to the edge.  Ha!
Graham and Charlie actually wore their new waterproof sneakers today, so they are totally testing them out with these waves coming over the edge:
What a fun day! We will definitely have to come back again and finish up the other half of the aquarium.  And maybe also bring our own snacks??!  I had a terrible heartburn attack during the drive home. I'm still unsure of what I ate but the bad traffic obviously did not help with the situation. In the end, I had to stop at a drugstore to pick up some Tums.  My belly finally calmed down the next morning after chewing the maximum number of Tum tablets for that night.  Oof! What an awful experience!  In any case, I think we will also start taking the train any time we have to go into the city.  The boys actually get to travel for free during the weekend on the train :-)

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