Monday, December 27, 2021

Trip to MN (Dec 15)

We recently took a trip to Minneapolis.  And thank goodness we got that trip in sooner than later because so many flights have been canceled during this holidays season due to the Omicron variant.  Phew!

The main reason for going there was Bob's interview with a company that is based there.  He has had about 15 interviews with this company so let's see if this goes through!  But Minnesota??! Seriously?! He couldn't have picked a warmer spot?  Well, if anything - my sister does live in MN and the boys would get a chance to build a great relationship with their 2 cousins (also boys!).

Can't remember the last time I saw this LAX sign by the airport.  Let's see... our last trip was to New Jersey in August 2019!

All masked up for the airport:
The airport is busy but not as bad as I had expected.  Although there's not a lot of places to sit, especially when you are trying to social distance.  I opted for the middle of this gate area and was totally vetoed by Bobby.  We're social distancing for sure here!
We found some seats by a window but I'm a bit stressed about being next to people.  It's crazy what this pandemic has done to me:
Graham is pointing to the Gate Gourmet truck that's out by the airplanes.  That was the first job that Bobby took, which brought us to California in the first place in 2017:
So much for sticking to his low/no-carb diet.  We are having a salami sub for dinner:
Boys are already busy playing with their video game to kill some time:
Finally, it's time to board the plane. Charlie was SO super excited!
I actually had the seat behind them and was able to swap with the lady so we all ended up in the same row.  Graham and Charlie are doubled masked for the flight and we are not eating or drinking at all. Let's see how we do on this 3.5 hour flight!
Funny how Graham is always looking at the emergency pamphlet:
Maybe this has something to do with it??! I found this photo from Jan 2013 - Graham is only over 2.5 years old.  Ha ha!  So precious:
A quick view out the window during the sunset along the Pacific Ocean:
Looks like the boys are all set for the flight.  Thank goodness for these personal touch-screens:
Some slight turbulence but made it safely!  And of course, we are not leaving the airplane until Graham and Charlie see the cockpit.  They love doing this and have been ever since they could walk. LOL!
We get picked up by a driver provided by the company Bobby is interviewing with.  And once we are in our hotel room, we are busy sanitizing with a new UV light that was given to us by our friend.  Never thought I'd use something like this but it's really quite handy!
Thankfully the pizza place down the street is still open. I think it was 11pm by now! And so much (again) for Bobby sticking to his non-carb diet.  Ha!
The boys are always so happy being in a hotel room:
OMG, here's the forecast for the week.  What!!?  Mostly in the 20s... Sheesh.  Although, it's only 46F at this time while we're in our hotel room.  It  was actually colder in CA yesterday.  Ha ha!
By the way, here's the radar as we were landing.  YIKES!!! It's not labeled but Minneapolis is just a little west of St. Paul:
Bobby sent this to me after we touched down.  The pilot did an awesome job maneuvering around this crazy storm!
And what's even crazier is there were multiple tornadoes that touched down in MN during our time in the air.  First time in history where Minnesota had tornadoes in December.  YIKES!  We couldn't have picked a better time and what an introduction of MN to the boys. 

More to come!

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