Monday, December 2, 2019

Visit to the Dentist

We finally went to the dentist for our regular check-up after about 19 months.  Somehow the dentist's office never did call us to schedule for our 6-month cleaning and of course, I never bothered to follow up!  And then in between all of that, Bobby switched jobs too so the dental insurance switched as well.  Alright, maybe those were all excuses ;-P

First off, Charlie!
I think it's so funny how he hangs on to the handles of the chair and crosses his legs:
And then, I noticed Graham crossing his legs too!
I ended up getting my teeth cleaned as well on the same day, as did Bobby.  No cavities!!! Bobby was happy to brag - saying that according to the dentist, he had the best teeth!  Uh huh...

Well, speaking of cavities, Charlie ended up having 4 of those fixed up! We returned to the dentist the following week after our initial visit and was told Charlie needed to fix 2 cavities.  But once his teeth were "asleep" the dentist said the other 2 teeth that were under "watch" probably needed to be fixed within the next 6 months.  So... I am just glad that the new insurance plan took care of most of it. And Charlie did so well though on that chair! He didn't flinch or cry at all when it came to "putting his teeth to sleep":
I'm so relieved that Graham didn't see that needle going into Charlie's mouth.  Hopefully Graham will never have a cavity! If he cries during a flu shot, just imagine how he would be if/when he has to "put his teeth to sleep".

Charlie also had a loose tooth that was affecting the growth of his new big front tooth.  So the dentist took care of that too.  Charlie said, he didn't even feel her pull it out.  Ha ha!  What a CHAMP!
After it was all said and done,  we went to get some Acai + frozen yogurt.  Charlie could almost feel his mouth and lips again after a couple of hours.  His cheeks and mouth looked so puffy :-)
And the Toothfairy ALMOST forgot about Charlie's tooth.  I think she gets an A+ this time though as she even wrote Charlie a nice note:
Hopefully no more cavities on the next visit! Fingers (and toes) crossed!!!