Sunday, December 22, 2019

Recent happenings

I finally repotted the orchid!  Finally found some orchid soil and no longer have to keep the original orchid pot inside the fancy orchid pot:
Not exactly sure what these are that were embodying the orchid but I'm glad they were available as the orchid soil I bought had small granules and the soil was going through the holes of the fancy orchid pot!  So I used this "stuff" to clog up those holes:
Fingers crossed that all these indoor plants will survive a bit!  The one in the middle is a Christmas cactus, which recently already lost all of its flowers :-(  and then the one to the right is a new fern, which is also struggling.  Booo hooo..!!!
Maybe someday I will get to see another flower from this orchid.  Although I am not holding my breathe!
Look what's left of my air-plant?!!  AAAHHhhhhh...!!!  I had it in our bathroom and thought part of it looked a bit dry so I was pulling of some dead/dry leaves and eventually the whole thing basically disintegrated.  I'm so sad!!!
Well, in the meantime, I should just focus on picking up some random rocks for our dry bed:
Please don't question about where these rocks are coming from... but we will need quite a few to fill this dry bed up!
And I finally ended up cutting the hose that was connected from the rain barrel into this dry bed.  I had buried it under the rocks and the quickest way to get rid of it was to just cut off as much as I could from both ends.  Hopefully this won't come back to bite me later!  So far, we are still waiting for a good rain to see how well this new overflow hose is working from the rain barrel:
And not sure who is digging up holes - raccoons perhaps... but maybe at least the grass is getting some good aeration??? LOL!!!
The front yard is almost done!  I say "almost" :-)  I added some gravel on this side by the driveway:
And then creating another walkway on the other side of the garden:
Need more gravel!
And of course, once this is done I will need more mulch too.  Always still needing something.  I did buy more plants too.  Ha ha!  I hope everything matures nicely and I won't have to think about it too much and just enjoy the front yard.  Someday!!!

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