Sunday, December 29, 2019

More recent happenings

As if the school holiday concerts weren't enough, the boys had Pajama day on the last day of school (12/20).  And as a secret, Graham's teacher had decorated their entire classroom into the Polar Express!
All the kids sat down in the classroom like they were on the train and watched the movie.  And actually before that, there was a parent-volunteer that dressed up just like the conductor and read the book to them!  And of course, there was hot chocolate too.  What a nice last day!!!

And as for Charlie, he got to decorate a gingerbread house:
I was there to help out with the gingerbread houses and I saw that Charlie was no longer in his PJ.  I asked him why and he said he was too hot.  Well, come to find out later at dinner, he said his friends laughed at him because he was wearing a "My Little Pony" onesie.  I felt quite bad because I convinced him when I bought it at the store that it was blue and there were also "boy" My Little Ponies :-/  That was a tough one to just say, "Don't let other people get you down.  You can be and wear whatever you like!".

Well, he seemed to have gotten over it and was more than happy to continue decorating his gingerbread house at home:
Although I'm not too sure if this is suppose to be a happy gingerbread man??!
In the meantime, I had bought a couple of sleeping bags as Graham and Daddy has a sleepover coming up next Spring - arranged by the school.  The boys are enjoying lounging in it on the couch:
And Charlie has actually moved one of the sleeping bag into his room and sleeps in it every night on his bed!  Maybe he loves the feeling of being in a cocoon??! 
Too funny!!!

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