Tuesday, November 26, 2019

First ballet

A mom from our previous school had invited us to a ballet!  It's a Russian troop that had a one-night event in the Saban Theater in Beverly Hills.  Thankfully Bob was able to pick my uncle and aunt up from the airport.  They were flying in from England to spend their holiday with us while the boys were out of school for Thanksgiving this week.

Since Charlie and I are scheduled to have a date-night in March to watch Lang Lang (a world renowned pianist), I decided to ask Graham if he would be my date for the ballet.  And he said YES! And I finally got to wear the dress that I had bought months ago!
And I was walking by a Salvation Army and managed to get some fancy shoes for Graham for half off!  Like it was meant to be. Ha!  Graham looks so grown up:
We find this statue of a person on a horse outside the building where we are parked.  There was no plaque whatsoever.  And oh, there were probably a dozen Bentleys and some Ferraris and Porches in the garage too. Fancy!
At the outside/entrance of the theater, the ceiling is already making an impression on us:
In the lobby... Wow!
Just reading up on this theater online and supposedly, it used to be called Fox Wilshire Theater when opened in 1930 and was one of 20th Century Fox's premiere theaters.  It was converted into a stage venue in a 1981 renovation.  Graham looks like he fits right in :-)
The ballet started at 7:30pm so a little snack after an early dinner at home:
Here is some of the program for what's going on tonight with the Astana Ballet:
Some art deco on the inside of the theater/along the walls near the stage area:
Graham keeping occupied while the ballet is running late:
No photography during the show which is too bad!  It was amazing!!!  My first ballet did not disappoint - lots of muscles and elegance! :-D
Graham did fall asleep right before intermission - 8:45pm, which is sort of around bedtime.  Right on cue I guess:
I couldn't decide whether to wake him and just go home or let him sleep and watching the show.  Well, I obviously stayed through and thoroughly enjoyed it :-)
I asked Graham on the way home whether he enjoyed it and he said he did!  So glad it all worked out as Bobby and Charlie were able to pick my uncle and aunt from the airport too.  Looks like they had a good time too:
Ice-cream at the mall prior to the airport run and just messing around!
Still waiting on Bobby to take me to the Nutcracker or even perhaps the Swan Lake.  Hint! Hint!!!

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