Monday, November 4, 2019

Firehouse Open House (Oct 27)

A couple of weekends ago, we attended an expo that was geared towards being emergency-ready.  After attending the CERT training (Community Emergency Response Training) just a few weeks ago, it was definitely something I wanted to check out.  I also wanted to show the boys the Amateur or HAM radio - where you can chat with people all over the world using radio frequency:
God forbid if there is an emergency and cellphone lines and the internet is down, the HAM radio would work best! But you do need a license to operate it (except during an emergency. Anyone can use it at that point!).  We were suppose to go for a HAM radio training last weekend but both Bobby and I were too tired!  So hopefully another time and hopefully that earthquake won't happen anytime soon!!!

Next door to the expo is a fire station.  Graham and Charlie got to see how a Fire-woman gets into her gear is less than 2 minutes!  You may think 2 minutes is a long time but gosh, she had to put on so many things!  I love how they actually tuck their boots into their pant legs so it makes it even quicker!
And did you know that their regular blue uniform doesn't really have real buttons? They are actually snap-on buttons that look like real buttons!  That way, they can get changed even quicker during an emergency.

I think the best part about the Fire House Open House was the fire extinguisher demonstration.  We had actually just bought one recently for the house and I have already hung it up near the kitchen.  I was trying to teach the boys how to use it so it was great that the boys were able to actually squeeze the trigger of an extinguisher!
PASS = Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep!
I think the sound and foam scared Charlie a bit!  Graham was so excited about putting out the fire:
Later that night, Graham reiterated how much fun putting out the fire was.  But then, he also said how dangerous being a Fire Fighter is.  I am glad he is aware of how much these service men and women have to go through to protect us, especially when there are so many fires happening around Southern California.  There are days where we can actually smell the smoke, depending on which way the wind blows.
We salute the Fire Fighters!!!

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