Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Tether ball House-warming gift

We finally invited our English friends from school over to the house for a playdate.  And they brought over a tether ball!  I didn't realize that I had to actually dig a hole to set the base up.  Ha!
Have to make sure everything is aligned.  Perfect! :-)
Unfortunately, all that concrete mixing gave me a blister on my palm.  And I was even wearing a glove!  I guess it's time to buy a new set of gloves:
Another batch of concrete later...
We put the tether ball pole in there but it was really wobbly.  Oops!  And then, I was trying to figure out how to make it look all pretty.  I managed to find some decorative glass and letter/number stamps.  Who said hoarding doesn't save money.  LOL!!!
In the meantime, there was some extra concrete mix left so I left Graham make another stepping stone:
I wasn't sure how this one would actually turn out because the dish was rather thin.  It looked good for at least just a little moment:
... and unfortunately, I had forgotten that the bottom of the tray had a pattern on it so the entire thing sort of crumbled when I was trying to take it out of the tray.  :-(

But in the meantime, we managed to make our tether ball base really pretty!
I put a few stakes in there and topped it with some extra concrete.  Perhaps it will be a little bit more sturdy??!?  If not, I guess we just have to start all over again!  Although, the boys have been arguing a lot while trying to play tether ball.  Maybe I need to go through the rules with them.  I'm not exactly sure how it all works either!
I just know that if you are not paying attention, the ball can come right at you after you fling it! Ha ha!

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