Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Graham's first skateboard

Funny enough, I always wanted a skateboard.  So looks like I am living through my kids now.  Graham bought his first skateboard a couple of weeks ago.  He has been practicing on the paved area in our backyard.  Looks like the practice is paying off:
Yes, we are definitely gearing up for skateboarding:
Charlie is almost always falling asleep in the car wherever we go in the afternoons.  And Daddy obviously doesn't mind keeping Charlie company in the car:
We went to practice skateboarding by the San Pedro harbor over the weekend.  The security guard actually shooed us away from the paved area but thankfully he was actually very nice about it. Mommy is testing her luck with the authorities again after having the minivan impounded by the City just a few days ago. LOL!!!
I hope Graham will keep at it.  I mean what else is more Californian than having the kids on skateboards :-)

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