Monday, July 29, 2019

Sewing new PJ shorts

I'm not exactly sure how the idea of sewing PJ shorts for Graham and Charlie came about.  Perhaps its because the boys keep running out of PJ shorts for bed (since it's been so warm lately).  And somehow or rather, the PJ sets in the stores are quite pricey!

And since I did have some experience in making family shorts many years ago, I figured I would give it another shot.  Here's the pair of shorts I made for Graham when he was about a 1 year old.  I can still remember him in our backyard of our Broken Arrow (Tulsa) home.  Look at the cutie pie! And I sure miss that big yard:
And I had also forgotten that we had family winter pants too! Here is Bobby modeling monkey-print fleece pants back in January 2011.  That's over 8 years ago!
So here we go again... first step - cutting up the template:
I had to watch several videos to figure out how to actually put the shorts together.  And then, I also had to watch another one to figure out how to thread the sewing machine :-P
Graham wouldn't put his hands on the fabric but both boys helped step on the pedal to run the machine.  Here's the first try!
The shorts are HUGE!  We all had a good laugh.  The shorts was suppose to be for Charlie but looks like these will actually fit Graham better.  After some minor alteration and then sewing in the elastic band, we have our first pair of PJ shorts!
It's been almost a week now since this first pair.  Looks like I have to refresh my memory again on how to sew the 2nd pair for Charlie :-)

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