Sunday, July 7, 2019

Summer swimming camp

We signed Graham and Charlie up for 2 weeks of swim camp via the YMCA.  Well, technically it was only 7 days - Tuesday thru Friday and then, one day off for July 4th.  The YMCA is using the outdoor pool of the local high school.  It's pretty nice!
It was nice and gloomy the first week, which was actually quite nice.  Here are the boys warming up with their freestyle - first one swimming is Charlie followed by Graham:
Here is another video of Charlie starting out with his freestyle:
It's amazing how much they improved just within the 2 weeks!  I was also trying to give them pointers and show them some videos.  But wow, it's like pulling teeth sometimes.  Why do they always fight what I have to say??!

Here is Graham at the end of the 2 weeks of swim camp.  Much for efficient with his breathing:
And I think Charlie made a really huge improvement on the last day - trying to turn his head more when taking a breathe instead of picking up his head:
Graham has always been a good diver, but Charlie was still diving in feet first - as seen in this video:
And look at Charlie's diving at the end of the week!  I guess practicing on the couch at home actually helped!
My silly boys!

Last day of swim and Graham and Charlie still won't get out of the pool.  Looks like Graham is up to no good!
Nope!  Graham just wanted to build a "raft" as he puts it.  What a way to relax and end a 2-week  swim camp:
I am hoping to have the boys continue with their swim. They were swimming so many laps during their lessons although I don't think they will swim that many if it was me with them in the pool. We'll see how it goes!

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