Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Recent happenings

Ahhh... another sleepy photo of Charlie!  I told the boys that instead of watching silly YouTube videos on TV, they should watch some multiplication videos/songs.  Well, it lasted until the 6x multiplications. LOL!
Graham discovered Daddy's old IPod and so I decided to give him his new headphones (before the start of school).  Hopefully he won't break them!  But he goes in such phases... he was listening to so much music that he was even doing it at breakfast :-)
Hopefully he doesn't go in phases with his violin.  So far he has been doing very well, according to his teacher - who tells me he is very smart!  I hope that doesn't get to his head too quickly!
In the meantime, Charlie has already finished his first piano book!
And also continues to be quite the character:
Last week, the boys were so happy being able to be at Parkour camp:
Almost like the American Ninja Warrior show on TV!  Both of them got to "Beat The Wall"!
And then on the other hand, I LOVE quiet moments like this in the library:
Graham and Charlie don't read as much as they should at home but aahhh... this is bliss :-)
Our friends also suggested a bike ride (for the kids) and scooter ride (for the moms) along San Pedro Marina.  That was a lot of fun!  And quite the workout!!!
Another playdate at the house... and guess what all the kids are doing?  Playing on their tablet! Hmmm....  they did jump on the trampoline for a little while prior :-\
A little trip to Vegas recently and I decided to paint my nails.  I thought I would give myself a little challenge and try painting a pattern on my nail.  I didn't have any fancy tools but managed to paint little flowers:
The boys recognized it as a flower and that was good enough for me!  And I had a nice compliment from a lady today as well.  Made my day.  Ha ha!

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