Friday, July 5, 2019

Almost impaled!

We almost always head over to the beach now after Graham and Charlie's music lessons.  I hope these boys don't think it's going to happen the same way when school restarts!

We are testing out our new purchase from IKEA.  Boys insisted on getting it!  It is much easier to set up compared to our big huge umbrella.  Plus I don't have to worry about it impaling anyone on the beach:
I think the "tent" only fits 2 people comfortably at the time, depending on which way the sun is shining. Snack time!
Graham really playing enjoys in the sun on the sand.  My poor washer and dryer on the other hand, does not like sand.  I keep forgetting to clean out the boys' pockets before throwing their clothes into the laundry:
Just realized that my sun-burnt feet are finally peeling... like 3 weeks later!
Speaking of being impaled, we were almost impaled by this one umbrella that was set up next to us!  Graham was outside of our tent and Charlie and I were inside.  And the next thing I know, the bottom of the umbrella - which is a big metal screw - stabs our tent! 
The umbrella went right in between me and Graham.  The umbrella stand did knock Graham on the side of the head, but thinking back this could have been really bad!  PHEW!!!  So glad there were no injuries and no blood.  I am no longer setting up camp near an umbrella!!!

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