Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!

We didn't do too much during this year's Valentine's Day. Actually, we didn't do anything at all!  Bob was in Madrid, Spain for work and it was just me and the boys.  I did get Bobby some chocolate and also a cute little kitchen gadget.  He does most of the eggs, when we do eat them over the weekend - so I thought this would be cute:
I'm still waiting for my Mr Egg!  Perhaps this weekend???

It took me a while to figure out which strawberries to buy and I'm glad I went for the crate (despite the price. Ugh!).  These were sweet and perfect to be covered in chocolate!
We brought those over to a friend's house to also celebrate Chinese New Year with her family.  I also made some corn "frax" cookies (as Graham spelled it :-)   It was my first attempt and just so-so I think. Need to work on the type of flakes for the next batch next time:
Happy Valentine's Day, honey!  Looks like you'll need to make up for this one next year! :-P

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