Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

7 years!  I can't believe it.  Somehow, it feels like we've been married for a much longer time. Ha!  I mean that in a good way :-)
Since it was our anniversary, I figured I'd bust out the pasta maker for some fresh pasta.  Graham helped me make the pasta and that showed as he gobbled them down during dinner!
Charlie was not as enthusiastic but he did have a good dinner as well.  He's quite good with using his utensils now.
As for anniversary gifts, we didn't have any for each other.  We were so busy with just settling back into our routine from our Phoenix trip that we even forgot to get each other cards!  I did get a couple of things I really wanted for Christmas - some really nice measuring spoons and a cute panda ball marker for golf. 
 Plus, I did get a nice ring from a popular robin eggs blue-colored box for Christmas too :-)

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