Thursday, November 18, 2021

Recent blooms in the garden

I was finally out in the front yard planting some new plants into the ground and moving out our roses to another location.  They were just not doing so well.  I think these purple foliage looks quite good:

And I replanted the 2 rose bushes elsewhere, but not before trimming the stumps down. Those stumps are as hard as rock! My shovel was definitely not the right tool for the job:

I'm so glad we bought this mini hatchet!  Not only is it good for opening coconuts... Ha ha!

Not sure if the roses will like this location, but it will do for now.  Just have to wait and see:

Sort of like this plant over here - it's finally blooming nicely!  It was in a different spot in the garden - tucked away in a corner and was totally not happy.  It's pretty much smack in the middle of the yard right now and loving it as you can see with all it's yellow blooms:

My Fuschia has always been struggling but we finally have some nice blooms too.  These flowers are so amazingly unique and pretty!

Here are Charlie's flowers:
We've had Charlie's flowers/plant since we first moved to California 4 years ago.  And it's been in the ground ever since we moved into this house (3 years ago).  It's now massive! 

I love the color of these daisies.  Hmmm... seems like yellow is a popular color in our yard:
We do have some orange although I just noticed that there are hints of red in these flowers too! 
That's it for now! I haven't bought any more flowers for awhile now.  Although I probably need to transplant my hibiscus elsewhere. It is not doing well in its current location.  I'd love to get a new pot but it's amazing how expensive those can be! Maybe we are in the wrong business here. I've actually seen lots of planters that are made in Malaysia. Hmmm... "lightbulb" moment??! :-D

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