Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Happy Halloween

I finally caved in and let the boys buy new Halloween costumes this year.  I suppose that's fair since we didn't really do anything last year. Although I do remember ending up with a lot of candy still.   Hmmm.... how did that happen??!

Graham did get a chance to wear his costume to school last Friday.  After all these years, he still loves Spiderman!

Charlie also got to wear his outfit during his online class.  He's Black Panther this year.  Let's just say this was cheaper than the Archer costume:
For the weekend, we made some pumpkin cheesecake swirl muffins to bring over to our friend's.  These actually turned out pretty yummy.  Will probably have to do them again.  Charlie is still asking when I'm going to make those lemon muffins.  Those were light and yummy too!
Here are my superheroes!
And I bet you Graham and Charlie are probably the only Superheroes in flip-flops! Although truth be told - they were just heading over to the neighbors :-)
Halloween at our friend's is always a hit.  This year we included cookie decorating:
Technically, they were suppose to make these little "Spider Cookies".  One Reese's peanut butter cup on top of the cookie for its body, and then 2 candied eye-balls on one side, and then draw in 8 legs.  But it obviously ended up being free-form.  Ha ha!  Here are Charlie's cookies:
And Graham copied a skeleton face.  Very cool!  
Graham was too busy playing with a nerf gun (that fired tennis balls!) to make create another cookie.

All in all, another fun Halloween!  And somehow, we still managed accumulate plenty of candy even without going trick-or-treating at the neighborhood. Hopefully things will be more normal next year for a regular outing. Fingers crossed!

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