Monday, November 15, 2021

Action Cam!

We went out to take a few photos recently at a park.  I recently uploaded a profile for each boy in an auditioning website.  I doubt if they will actually get any part, but who knows!

So this first photo wasn't quite at the park.  Just Charlie being silly with his unique way of eating raspberries.  Ha ha!

Now, c'mon... this face can't get an audition??!
Photo by the monkey bars:
I like how these triangle bars frame out the photo:
Graham's turn!
Graham on his Ripstick:
I love how Graham ties up his hair on the top of his head like that :-)
Well, so far - no callback yet.  I can only imagine THOUSANDS of kids applying for the same audition.  So, I'm not holding my breath.  Or perhaps I need to actually hire a professional photographer??!  Let's just put a pin on that for now :-P

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