Sunday, August 15, 2021

Random photos

Here are a few random photos from the last few weeks.  First of, my left knee.  It's been bothering me for the last month or so.  Not exactly sure what happened.  I think it was from that one and only Kick-boxing class.  Looks like that class was held back in May! So I guess it's been hurting for almost 3 months now. Yikes! Has it really been that long? Well, lots of icing and so far with some stretching, it is finally starting to feel better:

Charlie and I had also started in some calligraphy.  It's something we do when Graham is having his tutoring by the park.  I was trying to write a card for someone that recently got married.  The one to the right is mine - not too shabby!
I also started making our own yogurt.  A good friend had bought a yogurt maker for me, for my birthday this past June.  It is so simple although it does take some time.  You basically let it "cook" in this yogurt maker which can take about 10 hours.  The boys wanted some peaches with it so I prepped some the night before for their breakfast the next day.  Charlie didn't mind it so much but Graham did not like it at all:
It's crazy how the other side of the hill is still so foggy in the mornings!  
The boys just got done with their Jumpstart Program.  It was basically a 2-week revision of what they had learned last year.  Graham and Charlie said they already knew the stuff that was taught.  So perhaps they were paying attention during all that online schooling last year. Ha!

And speaking of online schooling, we have signed the interest forms for both boys to do online schooling again in the Fall.  It will probably drive me mad but at least they will be safe from the Delta variant that seems to be going rampant right now.  We did buy Graham the locks for his locker for the new middle school that he will be attending.  Hopefully he will get to go on campus when the pandemic dies down.  Majority of the kids will be going back in-person but after much debate, Bobby and I decided to just keep them home.  In the meantime, Graham is having fun memorizing the code for his new locks and we are having competitions on seeing who can unlock them the quickest :-)
Another good friend dropped off a belated birthday card and yummy cake for Charlie.  Sweet!
And more sweetness, we decided to make some apple turnovers a couple of days ago.  Graham has been bringing home 2 free lunches every day from the Jumpstart Program. And apples are included in almost every single lunch so.... ta da!
We decided to try different shapes and types of apple turnovers and looks like the one with the criss-cross pattern worked best and of course, looked the most appetizing.  These "boats" below were not pretty but nevertheless they were not wasted.  Ha ha!
During our trip to San Diego last month, I picked up some organic sweet potato.  I'm hoping to grow some in the garden but first, I need to get those roots started.  Let see how it goes:
I guess it helps when we have one of those "grow lights" for the boys' plants in their fish tank.  Well, right now it's just a snail tank.  One lone snail.  I'm tempted to get another fish or another snail, but these snail seem to get quite distressed with change.  So probably best to just let it be.

We finally skipped movie night at home and played the "Life" board game last night.  It actually took 2 nights to finish! 
I'm not sure if there are any real life lessons here, but we did see some funny dance moves.  And although Bobby finished first, Charlie won the game with over $4 million dollars to his name. I'm not sure if he cheated and he had easy access to the bank, which Graham was suppose to be in charge of.  Hmm... we'll have to play again to really find out!

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