Monday, July 5, 2021

Happy Father's Day (June 19)

As usual, looks like I'm a few weeks behind with my postings.  Just catching up to our Father's Day celebrations.  We didn't do too much as Bobby was prepping for his colonoscopy. 

We started with some homemade gifts.  I bought some clay and the boys each made something for Daddy:

I love how these boys are so different in their imaginations:
I wasn't left with much, so I made a little tray, or at least started to:
Graham made the little round spiral container and Charlie made the flat coaster:
And actually, there was some more leftover clay so I made a dish out of the imprint of my hand.  That was the original plan with the boys, but neither one of them were game for it:
For lunch, we decided to pick up some fancy Vietnamese food:
I love my noodles!!!
Nothing like some couch time for Daddy on Father's Day!
After the nap, we decided to wander over to the Alpine Village. It was my first time at this German market over there.  Look at all the goodies we got!  And this was just the chocolate portion.  We also got some German and Polish sausages.  Yummm..... 
Looks like we are back on the couch after the grocery shopping.  Ha ha!  Here's another gift for Daddy - a nice pair of shorts from a fancy brand:
And before the end of the night, I made Bobby empty out the dishwasher.  He he...
Happy Father's Day!!!  I thought this comic strip was so funny and almost relatable.  He he!
Looks like we might have to re-do our Father's Day dinner/meal since Bobby couldn't really indulge.  We have been watching a TV series called "Worth It" and have discovered some yummy places to eat, although mostly in Los Angeles.  In any case, Bobby's colonoscopy came back nice and clean! So that's one less thing to worry about for the next 5 years.  Yay Daddy!!!

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