Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Random photos

Somehow the boys ended up going to school one day with two different shoes from different pairs.  How did they get pass me on that??!
Pajama day for last day of school (June 7):
A random sighting of Graham vacuuming :-)  Uncle Doug is coming to visit!
Mommy bought a new bicycle!  Hope this means more trips to the beach and the park for bike rides.  At least I don't have to run along side them now, although that would whip me into shape pretty quickly :-D
Now this photo is random for sure - Charlie taking a selfie! Ha ha ha!
As for the ginger plant, perhaps I shouldn't have put it outside.  It is not having a good time :-\
The hibiscus plant is doing really well though!  I saw bags of hibiscus flowers for sale in a supermarket recently. I wonder what they use it for:
The tomatoes are flowering as well and my peppers are slowly turning orange.  I hope those aphids stay away!!!

Graham and Charlie have been busy now that school is out.  Time at the beach:
Graham and Charlie have Parkour once a week where they climb, bounce, and jump around in a gym for an hour.  They are definitely building up some good upper body strength!
Now I have to convince them to follow me to the Asian market so I can have some yummy Korean food:
If anything, everyone enjoys Daddy's eggy-in-a-basket!  Funny enough we all want it differently. Runny for me, firm for Charlie, and scrambled for Graham.
I am just impressed that Graham is starting to eat eggs now.  And today, he even had some granola with yogurt! Hooray for Graham!!!

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