Saturday, September 2, 2023

Orthodontist Update on Graham (7/14)

It's been about 7 months since the boys have been wearing their Invisalign retainers.  And it's amazing how well their teeth are lining up!

Here's the before:
And look at the after!
This scanning technology is amazing.  It's basically that white wand to the right of the computer screen.  No need for that yucky icky mold:
And Graham is just busy taking a photo of what his teeth looks like now:
For the next set of retainers, they will be trying to bring Graham's upper "Dracula" teeth downwards, among other teeth straightening.  That means installing a couple of "nubbies" on it.  It only takes the doctor a few minutes to do it:
Graham had the luxury of actually just wearing his retainers at night during our entire 3+ week vacation in Malaysia.  He actually ran out of retainers right before the trip.  So now that we are back in town, Graham had an appointment mid August to get these new "nubbies" attached to his teeth.  That way the new set of retainers can "sit" in his mouth as designed.  Such amazing technology!

Charlie will be getting his new set of retainers in a few weeks, so he will be going through the same process as well. If only he would wear them as many hours as he is supposed to though. Charlie is terrible when it comes to that! Hopefully it's still all worth it (and working!) at the end of the day for him.

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