Sunday, April 30, 2023

Garden update

It's been nice enjoying some flowers indoors and out.  I can't believe my Easter cactus is doing so well.  There are 3 more flower blooms! It's definitely liking this new spot better than the last, which is away from the direct sunlight:
And seems that I might have found a good spot for the orchids too.  Look, a couple of new buds! I'm so excited as this has never EVER happened before!! I've always ended up killing the orchid before any new flower buds, so let's hope I didn't just jinx myself:
In the meantime, the tulips outside are providing some nice color-splash :-)
These white ones are sort of turning a bit pink:
These little blue ones along the ground are pretty too. I planted these in the Fall, so I'm so happy they are doing so well. Except we are suppose to have snow showers tomorrow morning. Sheesh!!
It looks like it has just snowed but the driveway is actually covered with the white petals from the Bradford Pear tree flowers:
And based on what our other neighbors are doing, it seems to be the time of year to mulch. So here we go:
And this is just the beginning of it. There's still so much around the yard to mulch!  I attempted to trim the edges here by the tree:
My edges are not very "clean" so maybe I shouldn't attempt any more. It was rather time consuming!  Bobby was actually the one that really wanted to do it, and after about 4ft in another area, he gave up. LOL!

The cherry blossoms has turned so pink! Or what's left of it:
And the other tree has a mix of white and pink flowers:
We are thinking of carving out a few plant identification stakes perhaps for the cherry blossom trees, just like at the botanical gardens.  Might be a fun project for the kids to do this summer at the local public library.  I think Graham has already sent in an order for some 3D printing. It will be interesting to see how much it will cost because it seems that you only pay when you pick it up?!

Hopefully it warms up soon. It's rained all weekend and more tomorrow. Where is Spring??!

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