Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Random photos of Feb

It's March!  These months seem to fly by so fast somehow. Does that mean we are all having fun??! Here are some photos that I had missed to post in February.  There was also a trip to the Natural History Museum that I will have to update on as well.

Charlie loves singing "We don't talk about Bruno" from the animation "Encanto". Too cute!

And how is it that succulents like this one needs zero maintenance... and it's still surviving??! Look at those pretty flowers!
And oh, if you need Charlie to explain the different type of volcanoes to you, here it is:
How funny is that??!  I mean, he just started writing and drawing on the board one late afternoon when no one was really paying attention.  Ha ha!  At least he wrote/drew everything in between our daily schedule and reminders :-D

I was trying to fix the guitar string the other day.  I know,... with a bead (pink color, of course!).  It really didn't quite work out.  I just didn't have enough string to tie up the end properly:
Good news is I contacted the brand of the guitar and they are sending me some new strings for free. Woohoo!!  Speaking of free, I also called up Old Navy last week after Graham and Charlie's pairs of jean both tore in the same spot (somehow by the groin area?!) within weeks of each other.  I managed to score a coupon for a free pair of jeans up to $99.  Double Yay!!!

The flowers in the back garden are struggling a bit.  Time to move some things around: 
I took this off the Flamingo and put it in the ground instead:
And put some other plants on the Flamingoes instead.  I don't know... may have to rework this again:
Unfortunately, I also found a dead bird in our backyard.  Noooo...!!  I wonder what happened? It was still fully intact.  Poor thing :-(
And oh, here was my message to Bobby when he left the empty coffee jar by the sink instead of putting it into the recycling bin.  AND... the recycling bin was even right out there that day!!
Charlie suggested an impromptu game of Scrabble last weekend.  How is it that Graham and I ended up with two Ds at the very end of the game??!
With the help of my phone to validate words and find words that end with a specific letter, we finally finished the game!  Somehow I managed to get all those big letters like J, Q, W, X, Y, Z.  What??!
And this was the first time the boys wanted to play by counting scores:
Thank goodness for my "Joey" with a blank for the "Y".  That was worth 30 points!  Charlie was definitely getting the hang of using those double and triple points.  He is SO super competitive!

Last but not least, when the boys are not looking - here is Daddy snuggling with one of their pillows :-P
It was so crazy hot today for the first day of March. We are expecting some rain on Friday, which will be much needed!  And then, back to the 60s again.  Can't wait for that.  Although Graham is really wanting to go surfing so hopefully it won't be too cold. Brrr... that ocean is always so cold though.  LOL!!

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