Sunday, January 30, 2022

MN Trip (cont.) ~ Day 2

On the 2nd morning, Daddy is out early again for more interviews.  And then he comes back to the hotel early as Charlie is still in Distance Learning class.  I guess Daddy is taking a quick catnap while everyone gets done:

Okay, it's time to head out for another adventure!  Today, we are planning on going to see a sculpture garden. Brrr... another cold day!
I seriously wonder how we would live here if we moved out here.  Feels like 6F??!!
Graham will have to figure out how to keep his glass less foggy when he has his mask on!
The masks were actually quite handy. It kept the face warmer and the breathing a little bit easier since we weren't breathing in that super cold air directly!  

Of course we had to stop to swing around a bit:
Halfway to where we're going and it's time to have a quick snack.  Anything to keep these boys motivated:
Green matcha mixed with some sort of coffee brew.  Yummy...!
Hey, that's the same fancy stadium the boys and I saw yesterday.  Noooo..!!!  The garden sculpture is suppose to be the opposite direction! Oopssss!!!
Hmmm, this is not the sculpture garden I was looking for. I guess I should have been more specific about the name of the garden when I looked up the directions on my phone:
Anyway, there's the Stone Arch Bridge again.  Did I mention that it used to be a railroad bridge crossing, built back in 1883?  And it's the only arched bridge made of stone on the entire Mississippi river!
At least Daddy is getting to see some of what we saw yesterday.  Although we didn't get to see this back area:
You can really see how much the building was destroyed from this angle:
Another break for the boys - can you spot Charlie's blueish sweater? He LOVES that sweater:
Omg, look at the ruins down below!  Didn't know that was there:
Boys are timidly looking down at the river below:
After gathering some more courage, they started throwing snowballs into the frozen river.  They were so excited when they were able to crack the ice:
We are now back inside the Mill City Museum.  Graham and Charlie love these games that involve water..  And crazy enough, just like this game - there used to be logging down this same section of the Mississippi river.  Who knew!
We take another tour up towards the top most floor:
I love how Graham didn't worry one bit about wearing bright red girl leggings.  They were the only thick leggings that I could find for the boys!
Family we-fie!  I wonder how many more months we have to take these public photos with our masks on :-/
We had a few more minutes to roam around the museum this time compared to yesterday, so perhaps it was a good thing I went the wrong direction today.  The boys were quite happy to also spend some time in the gift shop.  Okay, okay... me too :-P

Auntie Corina (my sister) picks us up for dinner.  It's the first time seeing her again after several years.  If I'm not mistaken, we saw each other on a trip back to Malaysia in September 2016. That's over 5 years ago:
Charlie is trying to teach auntie Corina how to play "chopsticks" while we wait for our food.  Happy reunion for the Lee sisters :-D
One more sleep in the hotel tonight and then, we are off to auntie Corina's house for the rest of the trip.  And oh, by the way - so far all of our "family Covid rules" are out the window from the start of this trip.  We've been dining indoors every night since being in Minneapolis. We normally sit outdoors but there is no outdoor seating since it's so crazy cold! And we'll see how it goes at my sister's' place.  Both her boys are still going to school and playing sports and she and her hubby are also still going into the office.  

More adventures coming up!

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