Monday, October 18, 2021

Walk down memory lane

I was clearing out a couple of boxes in the garage (yeah... still doing it even after 3 years in this house!) and found some stuff.  First off, some traditional hand-woven hats from my hometown in Malaysia.  I wonder if the locals still use these or if they are just for promotional purposes:

I still haven't figured out a spot to hang these hats yet so back into a box they go.  Well, actually I've upgraded them into a plastic container instead so hopefully the hats will continue to stay in good shape as they are now.

I also found a floppy disk and some old paperwork for the golf tour that I used to play on.  Geez, that was a long time ago! The floppy disk has 2004 written on it and the Futures Tour Golf Tour was back in 2008:
If anything, I got to show the boys what a floppy disk looks like.  It would probably be difficult to even try and find a computer that has a floppy disk insert these days.  Ha ha!

And some more pamphlets and programs/tee-times for some old tournaments. And my player's pin from 2011.  I wonder where the rest of my player's pins are. You'd think I have them all put together somewhere:
I keep wondering if I should go back to my Amateur status.  That way I would be able to play in more local tournaments. The LPGA used to have a golf tournament in Malaysia and that's no longer played there.  So I'm not sure why I'm still hanging on to my Professional status.  Hmmm.... maybe just for a bit longer :-P

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