Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Fun day Sunday

Since there was no archery class on Saturday (or Friday either!), we decided to go shooting at the archery range at the park.  Daddy decided to shoot with us as well. He has now come to realize how difficult it actually is!  Bobby and I were shooting with a barebow though - which means not using a sight but aiming using the tip of my arrows instead.  The boys on the other hand have a Olympic Recurve bow so they are equipped with a sight.  But even so, you still need to adjust your sight based on the distance to the target.  Takes some fine tuning for sure either way!

Daddy found this little R2D2 figurine on the ground near the haybale and so we decided to put it up on the target.  So close to hitting it for a fancy steak.  Ha ha!  This poor little R2D2 was probably sweating bullets towards the last few arrows there.  He lives to fight another day. Until our next practice round then. Ha ha!

One of the coaches from the archery class at the park actually gave Graham and Charlie these target sheets for practice.  Aren't they so cute:
Still working on Charlie's form - his left shoulder keeps coming up:
Love this slow motion feature on my phone:
I think this bow is still a bit heavy for Charlie.  And he needs to work on strengthening his arms and shoulders.  Need to whip these boys in shape ;-)

This Sunday, we decided to bring our scooters and Ripstick (for Graham) and I had recently bought a new pair of rollerblades.  Actually it's a used pair but they look brand new!  And the price was definitely right for only $10!!!
Thankfully no one fell flat on their face but there were a few close calls and a few trips here and there. And I had forgotten to pack my wrist guards so I was just a tad weary about falling and hurting myself.  But all the boys were quite impressed with my rollerblading skills.  I guess I had forgotten to mention that I rollerbladed pretty much all throughout my college years and also a little bit more after that for leisure/exercise during my working days in Arizona.  Ahhh... those were the days!

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