Monday, January 27, 2020

Happy New Year! (Jan 1)

A whole new decade now! Makes me feel even older. Ha ha!

On New Year's day, I suggested to Bobby that we go to the fancy mall in Costa Mesa.  I wanted to check out their holiday/Christmas decorations.  I remembered it being really pretty last year.

As usual, didn't take long for Graham and Charlie to convince Bobby that they needed chocolate-covered strawberries from Godiva. And including my soft-serve swirl, we were down by about $21 within the first 5 minutes of walking into the mall.  Whaaaat..!?!
Here's the pretty Christmas tree!  What a centerpiece and always love that stained-glass ceiling too!
Almost looks like Charlie and I have a huge halo above our heads :-)
This year, we didn't find that massive installment in the mall that was shaped of a mountain with a moving train set and miniature balloons and what not.  So a slight disappointment but hopefully they will bring it back later this Christmas???

Well, if anything - these Aston Martin cars definitely did NOT disappoint! Well, except for maybe the price tag.  Don't stand too close boys... this one is more expensive than our house!!!
And this model is EVEN MORE expensive!!! What has this world come to?
Come to think of it, the watch that the tennis player Rafa Nadal wears on his wrist (and he wears his fancy watch during all his matches!) is about the value of our house.  Sheesh!

Let's just stick to this sort of bling - an entire wall of sequin!!!
So much fun!!!  If we get a new house with more space, we might have to install one of these walls.  But talk about a germ factory though.  Blah!
Ahhh... this ring is sooooo pretty! Bobby probably doesn't mind me shopping in this mall because we can't afford anything here!
Some of the fancy/designer stores had security personnel on the outside - by the door and were only allowing a limited number of people were able to be in the store at one time.  Sheesh!

One more look at a pretty Christmas tree - this time across the street from the mall.  It was actually on the property of a hotel.  We didn't stop to take more photos so this will be it until this next Christmas!
Happy 2020 everyone!  Let's see what this year will bring!  Well... so far, nothing so great.  The Corona virus has made it's way from China to SoCal (so far 2 positive cases!) and just yesterday, we find out that Kobe Bryant and his 13 year old daughter died in a helicopter crash.  Life is so fragile :-( So let's say our "I love you's" and cherish every moment. XOX

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