Monday, September 16, 2019

New Jersey - Day 3 & 4

Day 3 was sort of dreary with some on-and-off rain.  It was also a little bit muggy and every time I stepped outdoors, I would get bitten by at least 3 mosquitoes!  So... we stayed in mostly.  We made some eggs and pork roll with english muffins.  YUM!
Grandma was trying to learn some origami from Graham :-)
Charlie bought an paper airplane books from the airport, so that continued to kept him busy:
And then, the boys got creative:
In the meantime, we had discovered that Graham and Charlie's great great grandfather used to play the violin!!!  I think I am more excited about this than anyone else!
I wasn't sure what sort of material was in the bow so just in case it was some sort of banned item like ivory or supposedly even bows made from pernambuco (a type of wood) might require special paperwork to travel.  Who knew!
So instead of taking any chances of bringing it on the airplane, we decided to ship the violin and bow back to LA.  We are thinking that perhaps it is about 80+ years old??!  But in the meantime, I brought the boys' music books along to practice.  Charlie and I made a makeshift "piano keyboard" and Graham and I made a "violin" out of a roll of Grandma's medical wrap take and some rubberbands.  Okay, so many just a tiny touch of "Dragon-mom" :-P LOL!!!
But hey, once all was said and then, they were able to play on their tablets.  Both boys ended up on the kitchen floor as this was the most convenient place to charge their tablets:
There is always lots of dessert at Grandma and Pop-pop's house!
Looks like Charlie snuck into my guest bed tonight.   He looks too cute with that Spiderman sleep mask:
Can't believe the days have gone by so quickly.  Day 4 and we are bound for the airport in the afternoon.  Just look at how cheeky Charlie is - constantly making funny faces now to the camera:
The boys grow up so fast.  Photo op with Pop-pop:
Some well wishes to Grandma so her knee will heal quickly after her surgery and we are off to the airport.  I had banned Graham from his tablet for a reason I can't remember now, but looks like that didn't matter as we traveled quite comfortably in the Dreamliner today:
A view of downtown LA on the descend:
On the way out, the crew had us embark through the very front door - which meant walking by the cockpit. Graham decided to say hello (almost trained after flying on Etihad multiple times in the previous years!)... and guess what, the pilot invited us into the cockpit!
So much fun! Graham and Charlie are clearly excited:
And then, the captain invited ME to sit in his chair.  First time ever in my lifetime!!!  
A fun ending to a great trip:
Thank you again to Grandma and Pop-pop for having us.  It was a short but sweet trip. Love you both!!! XOX

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