Wednesday, September 18, 2019

First day of school (Aug 28)

I just realized that I haven't even posted the First Day of School pics!  Wow, I am really far behind on my postings. Ha ha!
Graham is now 4th Grade and Charlie is 2nd Grade.  Both their teachers seem really nice and well organized.  And so far not so much homework for Graham but he just told me last night that there will be more coming! 

I have signed up for quite a few things this year including being a substitute for teaching the art class. Well, looks like I am up in Charlie's class this Thursday and co-teaching Graham's class next Thursday.  Wish me luck!  We will be drawing up a Nigerian mask.  I had to attend a training last week, which was actually quite fun!  We had to draw the mask and then use the round flat bit of a stick to put in colored dots.  Can you guess which one is mine?
It's the one with the CLP initials - bottom row, 3rd from the right.  Not the best but it's interesting to see how amazingly different everyone's art is!

And the next project is in December and it was about drawing and coloring in African animals.  I chose the template of a giraffe.  Not too bad, I think ;-)
Obviously no such thing as a pink giraffe but I think the docent was talking about "Emotional painting".  Pink = happy??! :-)   Here are some other ones - all so amazingly unique!
It's going to be a busy year!!!

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