Monday, June 24, 2019

Violin for Graham

Next year - for 4th Grade, Graham gets to choose an instrument.  For the longest time, he kept saying Tuba, but I think it was mostly to irk me!  Well, he finally made up his mind when the Mobile Music Van dropped by the school earlier this spring.  He has decided on the violin!
I was hoping to actually rent one from the studio where Graham will be taking lessons from but they didn't have one available.  So, we decided to just go ahead and purchase one online.  Hopefully it will stand up to the task (and not neglect!):
We learned a few things trying to tune it and also trying to play it.  Who knew you needed to actually rub "rosin" on the hair of the bow so the violin would actually make a sound!  And I definitely can't play the violin because being slightly long-sighted now, I can't see the strings up close.  LOL!!!
Graham was suppose to have his first trial lesson today but unfortunately his teacher locked her keys in the car.  Oops!!!  So we are scheduled for next week instead.  In the meantime, Charlie took his first piano trial class and he loved it!  Hopefully Daddy can work out the budgie for all of this! :-D

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