Thursday, June 20, 2019

Happy Father's Day

The celebrations continue!  4 days after my birthday, it is Father's Day.  We head off to Costa Mesa to eat at our favorite restaurant - Seasons 52.  We are a few minutes early, so we head into the mall first:
Boys are drooling over the chocolate covered strawberries at the Godiva store:
Mommy drools over expensive lipstick holders - $200 worth of it but hey, it's covered with over 300 Swarovski crystals.  Hmmm... if I can't spell Swarovski without looking it up, perhaps I can't quite own one yet then!
We made an online reservation for 11:15am.  It's nice as it is still nice and quiet in the restaurant:
And our waiter was nice enough to take our family photo for us! Looks like I need to work on my we-fie :-)
The food was excellent, as usual!  We had shrimp with cheddar polenta (Super YUM!!!) and Charlie had French Toast - which ended up being my dessert!  Daddy had some of everything including avocado toast and also breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon.  Come to think of it, I believe the boys inhaled the bacon.  Ha ha! And they definitely gobbled up the little desserts.  Graham was saving some on his cheek for later:
Charlie did NOT want to share his S'more dessert:
Somehow they love posing with this lion outside the restaurant:
After brunch, we are back into the mall to walk off all that food.  We drop in the Lego store for a bit.  Can you believe this Lego car is $350??!  Okay, fair enough it's a Buggati :-P
Although I would rather pay $350 for the Lego trains.  I am still wanting a train track/set for our backyard!

This mall is in an entire different universe.  We walk by the Harry Winston jewelry store.  Looks like they have thought of everything as seen in this pair of earrings below.  If the woman can't decide which stone she likes best, she can have all of them! Emerald, rubies, and sapphires, and not forgetting the diamonds. WOOOAAAHHH...!!!
After the mall, we decided to stop by Seal Beach for a little while.  Well, it was really quite just a little while because Charlie fell asleep in the car.  So it was just me and Graham at the playground for a bit:
Oh, we did buy Daddy a basketball this Father's Day.  We forgot to wrap it and it is still sitting in the garage.  Although Bobby did notice the basketball a few days prior as I didn't hide it very well in the garage.  And looks like I'm slacking a bit with the "Momma duties" :-P  In any case, hope to take the basketball out this weekend for a game!

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