Saturday, June 15, 2019

Fire engine fun

The local fair was on last weekend.  We were there mostly because Charlie was representing his Chinese school by singing and dancing one song on stage.  I told the teacher to put him towards the back row as he didn't practice so much, but he did fine!
Graham was suppose to dance and sing too, but he said he has stage fright.  Hmmm... but he was fine on stage in school for his recorder recital!  And I have never seen/heard him practice at home :-\
Back to the fire truck story!  It was one of these really long fire trucks with a driver's seat at the end of the truck:
I managed to convince the Captain to let the boys get in there :-)
Graham and Charlie had a good time! They learned from the Captain that in order to turn the truck left, you need to steer the wheel right and vice versa.  Sounds super tricky! And it's also super bumpy back there from what another fireman was explaining:
Then, the boys got to see the ladder truck in action!  While we were admiring the truck, somehow a tree branch had fallen over - blocking one side of the street. So the fire truck started up and then made this maneuver where it sort of glided sideways to the other side of the street.  Even Bobby was impressed!!!
I think that was the most excitement for the day.  We didn't let the boys ride on any fair rides.  Is that bad??!  Everything seems so expensive!

Maybe when they are older, they can buy their own fair wristbands and go with their high-school friends?!?

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