Wednesday, June 19, 2019

More recent happenings

Here is Graham's biome which he worked with two other kids in his 3rd Grade class called "Ocean".  It was actually a project from a month or so ago.  Obviously I have been late posting this:
Graham cleverly braided the green seaweed and I helped him a little with his horseshoe crab.  We used clay and also provided some spray glue and sand for the project.  Not too shabby! I told him we couldn't keep the Biome forever so I took these photos and saved his horseshoe crab for safe-keeping:
I had my 6-month follow-up on my retina Friday of last week. Fingers crossed, so far so good!  The doc did say that my left retina is thinning though.  Hmmm... hopefully no more flashing lights! But in the meantime, we found a cool little area in Pasadena:
And didn't waste our chance for 2nd breakfast!
I did find a Chinese restaurant not far from this restaurant so looking forward to that in 6 months!

In the meantime, the boys bought me an electronic Uno game for my birthday:
We are trying to have No Electronics Day once a week.  This is what happened today:
Ha ha!  No Electronics Day is definitely messier than the boys just watching TV and playing their tablets!  I finally caved in at night and let the boys watch a movie after dinner.  PHEW!!! Who knew No Electronics Day was such hard work!

Last weekend we went to pick up some firewood.  A lady had posted about the firewood on one of these local neighborhood Apps.  This was what we picked up in one load.  Thankfully Momma remembered to bring the dollie.  Now the firewood has taken up the space for the boys' balance bike and scooters.  Might have to rethink this one:
This lady's home was in a gated community that I always wanted to check out.  It's just off the "roller-coaster" road as we put it because this area is in an active landslide area and the roads are constantly breaking up!  Well, nonetheless, the home was amazing!  Just like a villa in Italy!!!  I obviously didn't take any photos but perhaps will be back there again once we are out of firewood.  She had 3 big piles of it!  And you could also hear peacocks and coyotes.  We spotted quite a few peacocks while taking the "scenic" route on the way out of the neighborhood:
The only other exciting thing going on here is my orchid plant.  It's actually growing!  I managed to kill the other orchid plant in this same pot so hopefully I will be more careful with this one.  This new growth/stalk almost looks like a worm!
And on the opposite end of this happiness is sadness.  This was our kitchen sink over the weekend!  Of course the clog had to happen on a Saturday and we couldn't get in touch with our regular plumber.  It would have cost $295 to get another plumber late Saturday afternoon.  So, that meant take-outs, eating out, and disposal plates and silverware.  In a way,... Yay!!!
The one time I see Bobby using the garbage disposer and this happens.  I really wonder if he set that up!  I mean, he doesn't even really do dishes but now perhaps he is even hoping he doesn't have to put the dishes in the sink??!  We attempted to dump some Drano down the drain on Saturday but that didn't help.  But at least it cleared up all of those shredded veggies and I managed to scoop up the rest of the water and dumped it outside. $95 later on Monday, the drain has been "snaked" again (we did it when we first moved in) so hopefully all clear at least for a little while longer!

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