Monday, January 8, 2018

Trip to Aquarium of the Pacific

During the school holidays, I decided to take the boys to the aquarium (Dec 28).  The one in San Pedro was recommended by another mom at school - The Aquarium of the Pacific.  Crazy enough the day I decide to take the boys there, the freeway that was suggested by the minivan's GPS was closed!  So instead of a quick 20 min drive, it took me over 45 min to get there on the detour.  And it was straight to the 4th floor of the parking lot because that's how busy it was!
(By the way, I later find out from Bobby that the freeway was closed because someone tried to jump off the bridge there. YIKES!!!)

The boys were definitely excited! By the way, there is some major remodeling going on here:
I think the boys are also excited because we became members as well.  That probably also saved us another 30 minutes in line to get regular daily tickets. Phew!

We're in!... and welcomed by a replica of a big blue whale. WOAAAHHH!
The boys get right into it - asking questions and touching everything. Ha ha!  We are already getting our monies worth :-)
I got to touch a jelly fish!!!  We have been to a lot of aquariums and this is a first for us! Or I guess I should say just me.  The boys were too afraid.  The jelly fish do sting (yes, I asked before touching!) but supposedly it doesn't hurt very much if it did.
What a cool touch tank of jelly fish.  This is the outdoor part of the aquarium:
The marina is just over the fence:
There is also the baby shark touch tank:
This funny looking fish was also in this shark-petting tank.  I just googled "funny nose fish" and there is it... the "unicorn" fish!
There was a little show as well which I thought the boys enjoyed somewhat:
The sun was right in our eye though and somehow Graham and Charlie doesn't seem very enthusiastic here:
After the show, we moved indoors.  Lots of fish to see!
There was also a bird with a funny looking hairdo, almost like it has a cowlick. Haha!
Hmm... I am sorta mean here laughing at all these animals.  Ok, now here is something that really fascinates me - the jelly fish.  This one had like colorful lights running through it.  Just fascinating!!!
See what I mean?  Fascinating!!!  Wait, I already said that ;-P
And this was really interesting too.  Jelly fish making music???
Oh, here is the largest starfish ever - the Sunflower Sea Star. It's arm span can reach up to 3ft!
And speaking of sea stars, what a colorful touch tank!!!  Graham wasn't too afraid which was good. We had to go back a second time so Charlie could touch the sea stars.  And we touched the sea anemones as well. Too cool!
2 spider crabs... kissing, fighting, mating..??? Who knows!
There was also a frog exhibit.  The boys had a good time trying to spot them.  Some of them are really small:
You can barely see these red poison dart frogs.  So tiny!
Once we were done inside, we move outdoors again.  We visit the lorikeet enclosure.  Gosh, these parrots are so loud!
You are able to buy food and feed the birds, which we didn't do.  Nonetheless, one bird flew onto the backpack and the other onto my shoulder. That one made me squirm for sure!
Can't leave without seeing the sharks!
This one was a really mean looking one. Looks at that teeth.  YIKES!!!
I almost had a double take when I saw this photo.  It looks like Charlie is grabbing onto a REAL penguin!
Just as we are about to leave, the divers go into the tank for a feeding session and Q&A.  The diver can actually talk to us.  How cool is that!
I felt bad for this other diver.  The fish just wouldn't leave him alone.  Well, I suppose if you have food, can't blame the fish for wanting to eat!
What a fun day for the boys! We will definitely be back!

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