Monday, January 15, 2018

So much fog

We have had a lot of fog here lately.  It has been so thick that we would hear the fog horns from our apartment and even from school.  What is so bizzare for me is that, the weather would be so nice in the morning and then by about 2pm, the fog would start rolling in!  Or... there could just be fog all day! ALL DAY!!!

Here was one of Bobby's commute to work on morning:
The boys and I went to the Terranea resort not too far from the apartment and it was quite neat walking in the fog.  You can see and feel the water droplets:
We got down to the rocks and saw some kayakers just leaving on a tour:
It almost feels like the lochness monster could appear anytime! HA HA HA!!!  The fog definitely doesn't phase the boys.  It is business as usual - playing with the rocks and on the sand:
Another interesting phenomenon when the fog rolls in is actually seeing it from above.  This was the view from the top of the hill.  It's like being up in the clouds!
That layer of fog is so thick:
At the bottom of the hill, you can sort of see that fog out in the ocean.  And also the halo around the sun.  We remembered seeing that during our trip at Seychelles last summer.  Seems like a regular phoenomenon here!
I had Graham wear my sunglasses as the different tint really highlights the fog:
Graham is getting quite creative with his selfies! :-D

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