Sunday, March 3, 2024

Some home organization

It's been a very slow process in organizing the basement.  There's still so many boxes but thankfully, surely and slowly I'm making some progress.  And it's amazing what sort of things I'm digging up in these boxes!

So here we go... baby wrap, baby nursing cover:
Breast milk pump, baby blanket, another baby carrier:
A baby blanket that I knitted!
How funny is that!  All these baby stuff.  Good news is one of the mom's I met recently has a 9 month old so I was able to giveaway most of this.  Yay!

And also found some Forever Stamps with Hot Wheels on them! 
 It's too bad we had used one of them. Otherwise, the entire sheet may have been worth more that face value?!

More Hot Wheels track - Graham is okay for me to donate these but there's another set that he just wants to keep hanging on to, even though I've given away most of of the tracks by now:
Empty box! I love the sight of this!! :-)
Graham and Charlie kept wanting to keep this animal metal decor too. We've had it since they were toddlers when we had our house in Chandler/Gilbert, Arizona.  Finally convinced them that we could donate it:
Also found my career low round of 67, in Lima, Ohio.  Woo hoo!! Those were the days!
There's a wall in the kitchen area in the basement and I figured it would be a good spot to hang some of the boys' old artwork:
I guess Graham predicted my crazy hair and big hips.  LOL!!
Thankfully, the double sticky tape is working well on the brick.  So far, none of these paintings have fallen off... yet!
Such good memories from these painting.  I don't remember who drew the mosque.  I'm thinking Graham, since we were just still in Abu Dhabi at that time, and as you can see in the red frame, Charlie was only like 2 or 3 years old.  So cute!
I finally decided to also buy some new knobs for the kitchen cabinets downstairs.  I love these flower ones: 
But because the old ones made a mark on the cabinet, I figured I could spray paint some metal washers to cover it up. Seems to work quite well :-)
I will also use the same flower knobs for the dresser that I have on that same brick wall.  Trying to do a bit of matchy-matchy. He he!

And today, I decided to clean up our tower fan.  What a pain to open it up! Thank goodness for the internet because it made me realize I really had to "man-handle" the fan to open up this cover.  Ha ha!
And I could only clean so much dust off it, but at least it's better now than it was:
The basement is still messy.  I wonder if I should give myself a timeline to finish organizing?? Like before summer school begins? That would be end of May - another 3 months.  I guess that would be a good deadline. But seriously, look at what I have to deal with!
Okay, I did finally open up another box - my Tiffany style lamp has been in its box since we moved in July of 2022.  Over 1.5 years ago!
Ahhh, so good to see it again. I've missed it!
Okay, end of May is my new deadline.  Wish me luck! LOL!!

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