Monday, March 4, 2024

Last couple of ski/snowboarding trips

We have definitely been embracing the cold this year by making multiple skiing/snowboarding trips 2 hours away up in WI.  And these boys really enjoy staying in the hotels overnight, almost too much. They are such goofs.  Ha!
It's a cold one this weekend.  Charlie is ready!
Family we-fie!
I finally made it up the tow rope.  Yay!!
They did have the tow rope working on the other side of the bunny hill, which made it a lot easier for me.  I was able to keep my hands in front of my body vs. behind me. Nonetheless, this tow rope is very intimidating!

I love my cat foot-pad on my board :-)
And I love how Graham just hangs out with me, making sure I don't hurt myself.  Ha ha!
And I make sure he doesn't hurt himself. LOL!! 
Just kidding.  He just got tired of waiting for me. Ha!
So much gear all over the table when we get inside:
After getting off the slopes this time, we decide to try out a dumpling spot in Libertyville:
OMG, check out this machine that makes the dumpling skin automatically!
I'm totally impressed by this machine:
Let's dig in!
Everyone is happy, although they say Mommy's dumplings are still better.  Awww...!
And this past weekend was our last hurrah on the slopes.  There was definitely less snow this times and the temperature was already in the 50s by the time we showed up around 11am. 

The tradition of this particular ski spot is they host a pool skipping on the last weekend of the season.  We should have brought some extra clothes because Graham and Charlie were both thinking about doing it:
Oh yeah, some people dress up too, in case you didn't notice the guy in the video in his banana suit.  Ha ha!  

I think if I did it, they would have to carry me out like this one kid :-P
On this trip, Momma decided to try the bigger hill.  And oh yeah, I'm 1 out of 5 now off the ski lift. I just keep falling every time I get off the lift!

Graham is hanging out with Mommy again :-)
I'm taking so long to get off the grass that Graham has already built himself a mini snowman: 
Oh yeah, I couldn't control my snowboard and went past the white stuff and into the grass/dirt. Graham said it looks like I poop on myself.  Yup, that's the dirt on my white ski pants:
Thankfully the dirt washed off nicely today! We will definitely have to plan better next time for wet and slushier conditions.  Did I mention that I fell in the middle of the hill and coincidentally into a puddle of melted snow?!  So my entire back was drenched as well as my entire right side/arm.  Check out all the water I had in my clothing.  LOL!!

It's too bad you can't actually see the water dripping off my sweater, but trust me - I was totally soaked!  Good thing I had an emergency sweater in the trunk of the truck. 

And at this point, Bobby is just showing off.  Phooey!
And here's Charlie trying to smile through his fall on his last run.  Poor kid said he was in pain. Sorry to say but no pain, no gain!
I was definitely tired and damp here, but so happy to be all together as a family for another ski/snowboarding season!
Since we left earlier than intended, we decided to stop at IKEA on the way home. Always room for meatballs (or what was left of it):
And Graham thought he bought a lingonberry drink but it was actually a concentrated syrup!

Great sunset on the way out of the parking lot:
I was so excited to hang the new drapes I bought:
I like how the new drapes are lighter but I don't think the color quite fits the rest of the decor.  So the search continues!  How about this massive praying mantis in the yard instead?!
Ha ha, Bobby already vetoed this massive garden decor.  LOL!

Okay, until next year - I'm going to conquer getting off that ski lift without falling and also try to use the tow rope with my hands behind my back.  Or... maybe it's time for some official lessons?!  In the meantime, I should really to do some more squats to strengthen up these legs again! Or maybe even get on Graham's ripstick or my skateboard this summer.  Need more practice! :-P

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