Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Axe throwing

New area for new experiences!  Who knew we would one day be throwing axes for fun.  I didn't.  Ha ha!  I found the discount on Groupon and figured, why not.  And it was totally fun!
Ha ha, what exactly is Graham up to behind Bobby inside that throwing cage?!

Well, it seems to be quite easy.  Just fling that axe, right?  Well, I think Graham was the one that figured it out first:
And Daddy?
He is obviously very enthusiastic!
Nope! Denied on the first try!

Charlie and I were also struggling in the beginning:
So close for Charlie! In the meanwhile, Graham is experimenting on throwing with 2 hands.  Nope! No workie! We are all sticking to the one-arm throw.

Our session was for 90 minutes and by about 30 minutes, I have to say we definitely improved from when we first walked into those cages for the very first time:
Woo hoo!! Feels so good to hit the board and strike the bulls-eye too! :-)

The little targets on the top left and right were the most difficult.  And those were worth 7 points.  I hit one once (yes, I was actually aiming for it!):
And Bobby hit the one to the left. That was the more difficult one to hit, I thought:
Daddy is doing the "Salt Bae" thing.  It's a chef and that's sort of his signature move.  Ha!

Well, as you can see, things got really interesting.  Axe is stuck in the board on the handle side?! Graham somehow managed to do this:
He also managed to stick it on the other side of the blade.  Ha ha!
Well, Mommy was the sore loser on our first game of 3 matches:
But totally redeemed myself on the 2nd match. Yay!
Although, I think I was also the one with the most 0s but then also the most 5s.  LOL!!

The place was empty except for us when we walked in, so it was nice for them to give us 2 cages. We definitely got our monies worth:
The boys would throw the smaller axe on one side and Bobby and I would throw the bigger axe on other other bay.  I could not make the little axe stick on the board to save my life!  Every single throw... the axe just bounced off the wall.  I don't know how Graham did it.  His percentages were really good.  His advise was to "throw it harder".  Yeaaaah... that didn't work either.  LOL!!

A TOTALLY fun day! I'm guessing this won't be our last time axe throwing.  Well, actually - the minute we got home, Graham went looking for our hatchet and threw it at one of our trees:
It's a bit dark in the photo as it was late in the evening, so I'm glad Graham hit his mark on the tree and didn't lose the hatchet in the bushes! :-P

Graham and Charlie did also make a remark in the throwing cages that made me laugh.  They said they can't run away from Mommy now because I'm pretty accurate with throwing the axe.  These kids, I tell you! Never a dull moment. LOL!!

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