Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Recent happenings

This is what happens when you tell the boys they can't play on their computers. Graham goes into his blankie (pillow) fort.  Although, I really wonder if he's hiding his phone in there. Hmmm...?! 

I still don't have any of my sock tan back yet - unlike Bobby. Ha ha! 
I have been wearing long compression socks though, so maybe that's why :-)

I have volunteered to water one of the many gardens within the neighborhood.  This also means getting at least one of the boys to help out, especially when we have to deal with this super long hose!
It's Graham's turn this week. Yay!
We are never short of ice cream places to reward all of us.  This place has an ice-cream size called "shot" and it's the tiniest cone I've ever seen!
I don't know how Graham managed to shut the door with this tissue just hanging outside of it.  You'd think he would notice it too, but nope!!
Graham's allergies have been quite bad this summer.  He just started a nasal rinse, which has helped. But ya, tissues everywhere. And it's such a mess when he leaves it in his shorts and those get run in the laundry. Sheesh!!

Charlie has been so grumpy lately.  Probably because he doesn't get enough sleep.  Both of the boys have been staying up so late at night watching movies on TV.   Here is Charlie taking his nap in the car. Ha ha!! And this basically only happens when we take their phones away:
Graham is being very helpful around the house - especially when it comes to putting things together.  Here he is putting together our new rain barrels:
I need to still find their final locations, but for now - the rain barrels are just going to be in front of the house, right under the rain chains:
I wanted to just get the barrels ready since it's going to rain - which it did almost all day today. But it's hardly collecting any water!  I scoped out a few downspouts around the house and have ordered a couple of downspout diverters.  More photos to follow once those are set up!

Graham also set up the power washer.  It works! And first thing to get cleaned is the canoe:

Hoping to get it cleaned and repaired so we can take it out on to the lake. Charlie has been so crazy about going out fishing every single day this summer!!

Can't believe it has been a year now since the boys were elves on The Clauses series. They definitely miss doing that!
Finally picked up a compost bin.  I hope this one will work better than the one I had in CA. Well, I don't think I actually used it correctly but then again I think the humidity here will help with composting. We'll see!
We actually picked this compost bin up in Geneva, IL - about 1 hour away.  I'm glad Bob hasn't been too fussy about spending the weekend driving too far to pick up things as per my request. Ha ha!  In a way, we have been able to explore different parts of IL.  Photos to follow on our adventures in Geneva this past weekend!

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