Friday, April 22, 2022

Whale of a Day

The city was finally able to put on the Whale of the Day event again. It was canceled last year because of Covid.  It's crazy to think though how Graham and Charlie are actually out-growing some of these same activities that were held 2 years ago.  Noooo...!!  They are growing up too fast!  The boys didn't go into the Bouncy house, no hat-making activity, they didn't event want to see to the fire truck.  WHAT??!

Instead, Graham and Charlie found a random friendly lizard in the grass.  Graham is competing with it by doing push-ups.  Ha ha!
I wonder if this lizard was someone's pet?  It doesn't seem to be too afraid of human contact:
Well, another kid did managed to pick it up and actually brought it to one of the tables that was displaying some local animals.  So that worked out!

A quick pose in front of an inflatable whale.  I can see how Pinocchio was eaten up.  Ha! ;-P
And another photo with the Point Vicente Lighthouse in the backdrop. You can barely see it... to the right side of Graham:
After being dropped of at the parking lot by City Hall, we decided to hike down a trail.  I was told once by a friend that there's an old WWII bunker around here.  Or some sort of Nike Missile site.  Well, we went looking for it:
Unfortunately, we didn't really know where we were going so we turned around to go back to the car. But before that, check out how tall these mustard plants are!!
Well perhaps next time we'll find it. Supposedly it's located by the maintenance yard of City Hall.  I'll have to just show up on a regular business day to ask around :-)

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