Friday, April 22, 2022

Another Production

Graham and Charlie has been busy being on another production set these past 2 weeks (one work day per week).  As per usual, I think this testing part is the most pain in the butt!  Thankfully we were able to stretch our legs a bit after the hour drive to the test site:

OMG, I see Emmitt from the Lego Movie on the balcony!
It takes us another hour to get home and somehow the boys have managed to snag my phone.  More silly photos on my phone!
I laughed out loud when I saw these.  LOL!!!
How funny!!!
Pigeon on your head... seriously??!
This photo is actually pretty cute - so I have this one below on my phone:
We are at Fox Studios this time, in Hollywood. This place is impressive!
The boys also had a fitting session on top of the testing.  It took us FOREVER to get home after the fitting session:
I finally decided to just use the Express lane.  We received the bill for that recently.  Thankfully it wasn't so bad and for my sanity, it was totally worth it!!!  And thankfully the boys get paid for getting tested too, so that's a plus to compensate for our time and gas.

On the day of work, we park in a garage and wait for our van:
Once we get to wardrobe, Graham and Charlie were among quite a few other kids that have to get makeup and hair done.  And then, this time is their first time to actually wear a specific outfit too - so that was really fun for the boys.  I can't wait to watch them on this new TV series once it comes out.  Hopefully by the end of this year.  Will keep you all posted!

Oh, during the recall on that 2nd week, it was a really late Call Time of 12:30pm.  And everyone stayed on set until 9:30pm.  So by the time we got home, it was 10:30pm!!!  Boys were totally exhausted by then:
Graham was first to brush his teeth and he barely got his clothes off before he plopped himself into bed.  Charlie was his grumpy self but thankfully he brushed his teeth and was fast asleep pretty quickly too.  As for me, I was still going to wind down by actually eating my really late dinner provided by Production.  Ha ha!
Bobby mentioned that perhaps Graham and Charlie would skip school the next day (which would be a Friday) but by the time morning came, the boys were up at their usual time. Actually Graham was snuggling in Charlie's bed - I thought that was so cute!  And when they asked if they had to go to school, I guess the only answer at that time would be "Yes!".  So obviously there were some grumbling and mumbling but off they went.  If they stayed home, they would have just played computer games all day anyway!

I guess this will give the boys a taste of what real work is all about.  Although, I think at this point they are still having too much fun.  Plus, they just received their first paycheck!  Graham is already planning on spending all of it.  He is my big spender where as Charlie is planning on saving most of it.  How these boys differ!

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