Monday, February 3, 2020

Recent achievements

Graham came home last month with a Cougar of Character Award for Alertness and Action. Yay!!!
He was so super happy and couldn't wait to tell me when he got into the car.  The award came with a gift certificate for the same ice-cream place that we went to in Santa Barbara called Creamistry.  YUM!  I didn't want to burst his bubble but hmm... I think he still needs to work on his alertness and action.  Hopefully it will come with maturity??!

Oh, by the way, Graham made me this little box using origami.  And then, thinking about all these little pins that I had from Bobby's new shirt packaging, I managed to rummage through the house and found some foam.  Ta da!!!  The perfect needle holder :-)
In the meantime, Charlie has now run a whole MARATHON during these past few months of Run Club.  26.2 miles... that's almost 105 laps around the softball/school field. Woot hoot!!!  Yay for Charlie!!!
Actually come to think of it, I think Graham finished his marathon a couple of weeks after Charlie did.  I wonder what happened to his certificate.  Although, they both did get these little Marathon tags to add on to their collection of "paws".

Anyway, I wonder if this is how Charlie re-energizes in between activities:
Or most like this!  He was unwell for almost a whole week - right before Martin Luther King Day in Jan.  He could have returned to school on Friday but almost 90 kids were out that day!  That's almost 1/4 of the entire school!
Some kids may have sneaked out for the long holiday, but even so - I think there were about 11 sick kids just in Charlie's class.  And you'd think this kids was sick.  Ha!
Graham and Charlie couldn't be more different.  Charlie made a 3D drawing of the Rubik's cube and even colored it accordingly:
Graham, on the other hand, managed to finally solve one side of the Rubik's cube. He was so ecstatic!!!
And here, we were out for an early dinner at a restaurant.  Charlie has built himself a really large "chair" and was saying "ahhh... " when he laid on it:
Graham, on the other hand had stacked all his blocks out in a way where he only has a tiny little bit to sit on.  Ha! They couldn't be more different!
Although, Charlie was hogging all of those big Jenga blocks!

We have already convinced Charlie that he needs to be a pilot when he grows up and he can work on his art on the side.  And Graham is convinced he will be an inventor.  Although he doesn't really make an effort to solve issues, so I keep reminding him that he needs to put in just that little bit of extra work!  I guess only time will tell.

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