Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Water polo

Instead of learning water polo at the YMCA, we decided to join a league. It's been a month now since Graham and Charlie joined.

It's a nice big outdoor pool!
The boys have to learn what they call "egg beating" with their legs to stay afloat (turn their legs like an egg beater):
Charlie is so excited to be in water polo for the first time and is even more excited to play games.  They looks so cute with their little head-gear on :-)
Graham on the other hand, has decided to join the younger crowd/with Charlie and seems to be a bit pre-occupied with the straps of his head-gear.  This goalie is not working very hard!
I suppose you can tell how much harder Charlie worked compared to Graham. Ha ha!
Not sure how much longer Graham will be doing water polo though.  It seems that every single time he is there, there is some sort of meltdown.  We'll see what happens this Sunday.  If anything, I suppose he did manage through 5 out of 8 sessions.  Charlie on the other hand is loving every bit of it!

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