Monday, October 14, 2019

Charlie ~ Our artist

We walked by an art studio a couple of weeks ago and it prompted Charlie to ask again, "When can I take art classes?"  Well, I told him "Instead of going to a class, why don't you take a class on the computer?"

And so the minute we got home, Charlie was so excited to start an art project.  And here it is!  Charlie followed a random lesson online and he made a portrait of Mommy.  Too cute!!!
Does my hair really look like that??!  Well, the people in Bobby's office might think so because I bought a photo frame and now this portrait sits in Bobby's office. Ha!!!

In the meantime, speaking of art... I am still trying to figure out what sort of backsplash I want to install and what color I want to paint the kitchen:
The selections are endless!!!
I am thinking of painting the ceiling too and perhaps doing something else to the ceiling.  Did someone say stencils??!
I've actually already bought the pattern.  He he... let's see what Bobby thinks of it once I get started (which still might be a while).  Although, not sure if Bobby is doubting my taste recently as I took a photo of a shoe that I thought looked quite pretty.  Nothing like red and grey faux snake skin shoes! :-D
I am back painting again in the front of the house.  I did touch up the slats of the garage and am moving on to our awning.  Bobby didn't even notice the difference today!  Although it was starting to get dark when he got home.  We'll see if he notices it tomorrow!

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