Monday, October 14, 2019

CERT Training

I recently decided to join in on the CERT Training - which stands for Community Emergency Response Training.  It's basically a training to be prepared for any sort of disaster.  It involves being in class for 3 Saturdays in a row from 9am to 4:30pm.  Phew!  Thankfully Bobby was willing to watch the boys while I go to the training.  Although Bobby is convinced that I have left to watch movies, or go shopping, or play 36 holes of golf all day.  Ha ha!

The training booklet is massive!
The training has been handy to know what sort of tools we might need at home to turn off all the utilities:
I finally got a chance to use a fire extinguisher!  The fireman/trainer lit a controlled fire in the parking lot:
Then, you use the P.A.S.S. acronym, which stands for... wait, let me think about this again.  Oh, here we go - Pull (the pin), Aim (the hose), Spray (at the base of the fire)... hmm... this doesn't seem right.  What's the other "S" for...???  Looks like I already need a refresher!
After 2 weekends of training so far, I have come to realize how unprepared we are if a disaster did strike, which would most likely be an earthquake living in this area.  I have bought a few things so far, like extra backpacks, and foldable knives, and this handy-dandy tool:
If anything, this fancy tool will keep the boys busy if we did end up getting stuck somewhere! (Knock on wood!!!)  I still have a lot to stock up to be prepared for a disaster.  I think I am still in denial about the "Big One" that everyone keeps talking about.  Based on the training, you are suppose to have an emergency bag for each of your family member, plus one in the car, and also one in the office.  That's 6 backpacks!!!  And then, also a gallon of water per person for at least 3 days.  That's at least 12 gallons of water!!!  The other problem I guess is trying to figure out where to put all this.  I am still trying to sort out the garage.

Speaking of garage, I did take the boys to IKEA one day to pick up some more shelving.  Oh, there was no school last Wednesday for Yom Kippur.  Weird that the school did not bluntly say that, it was only written down as Holiday on the school calendar.  Anyway, I miss IKEA!!!  Just admiring some closets that I could really use in the master bedroom:
Even Graham was getting into it :-)
And then, I see a double sink in the As-Is section.  Aahhh...!!!  We could really use this.  AND... it was only $30!!!
I was so tempted to just buy it without telling Bobby and hiding it in the garage.  But it would be such a pain trying to put it into the garage.  I would have to take a lot of things out before the double sink would actually go in.  LOL!!!

So glad to see the boys working together on one of the shelves:
As the Wonder Pets would say, "What's going to work?  Team work!"
Yay!!!  Graham and Charlie did it!  Hopefully they can take over all my IKEA projects.  Except the 2nd shelf from the top was installed upside-down.  In a way, it sort of works out so things can't fall off the edge of that shelving.  Ha!
Perhaps I will try and sort out the garage tomorrow.  There are 2 more shelves to put together. Hmmm... I am already tired thinking about this.  Blah!!!

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