Saturday, December 1, 2018

Kids' Fun Run

Oh gosh, I am getting really terrible with updating my blog!  I can't even get the updates in within the same month!!!  So my excuse obviously is the new house - still organizing :-(  I have yet to open up another one of those 85 boxes that are still waiting for me in the garage.  It rained a few days ago and the bottoms of all the boxes that were on the back patio got wet.  Thankfully it was only a few boxes and the box of books was coincidentally on top of another box. Phew!

Anyway,... back to the Fun Run!  This happened at the boys' school back on November 9th.  It was at noon and it was great to see a good turn-out from the parents (and grandparents too!):
Charlie is so excited:
So is Graham!
And they are off!  There is music playing and the kids run for a good 15-20 minutes??! All the kids running have a sheet of paper pinned onto the back of their shirt.  So every time they complete a round, a tally marker will scratch off a lap.  Graham had 31 laps:
And Charlie had 51 laps!!!  He did have a smaller circle/lap for their grade but still... pretty impressive!
Then, it was time for lunch and snow cones.  Lots of flavors to choose from:
Since it was a minimum day, we decided to hit the library after the Fun Run.  Graham and Charlie still enjoy watching the construction "stuff":
Obviously someone is completely poofed from running today!!! :-D
Until next year!

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