Sunday, December 30, 2018

Boys' ball hockey

Charlie had signed up for ball hockey early in the Fall and after a few weeks, the team was looking for more players.  So, that meant Graham was able to join in for FREE!  Both of them have really enjoyed it.  Practice is held indoors in a racquet ball court:
The video above is Graham and here is Charlie:
Charlie didn't quite make that goal during practice but he is really good at playing defense!

The boys got to play in a real rink (half the rink at least) during the games. So much fun!!!
I think it was exciting for the parents too as we got to bang on the glass :-)
In the video, the boys are in the grey jersey (the jersey is actually reversible to black - pretty neat!).  Charlie is #66 and Graham is #28 (in light blue short).  It's a bit tricky to spot Charlie but he passes the ball to Graham a couple of times in the video. Charlie also had a whiff towards the end of the video but it didn't phase him thankfully!

Ball hockey is off until February. Graham really wants to play Little League Baseball and Charlie really wants to play soccer.  We'll see what happens! In the meantime, I would still like Graham to continue his water-polo:
He is to the bottom right - with the blue floaties around his waist.  His last session he didn't have the floaties on and was just able to stay afloat throughout his entire class. Woohoo!!! 
Charlie on the other hand has been taking some swim classes.  He is still working on his diving skills:
Funny enough, Charlie actually treads water a lot better than Graham.  He has been taking in hints while peeking under the water during Graham's class!

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