Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Home sweet home!

Ahh... it's so good to be home! It took me about 22 hours to get home from NJ. On the first day, the trip was going really well until I came to a 5-mile back-up. It took me almost 45 minutes just to get through it! It was a bad wreck that involved a cop car, where the entire trunk and backseat was completely crushed in! Scary!!
On day 2, there was fog, rain, sun, and everything in between! At one point, I thought I saw a dragon in the clouds. Now as I look at the picture closer, it almost looks like the dragon is blowing out smoke! Haha... no I'm not/wasn't smoking anything ;-)
Another 10 more days or so and I'll have to get myself out to Florida for the LPGA Q-school. I was planning on driving there but after the long drive coming home, I'm really thinking twice about that now! I still have a few more days to decide. In the meantime, it's really nice to just have some downtime in my own home!

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