Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Free ballet concert in the City (6/16)

Can't believe it already middle of August! Where has the time gone? With this new work at the Golf Academy, I haven't really had a chance to update my blog.  Yes, another excuse. Ha!  We did also take a couple of short vacations, which has been great fun.  Will update eventually!

But in the meantime, here's one from our trip into the city (of Chicago) in June. There was a free ballet concert and yes, somehow I was able to drag all 3 of the boys with me :-)

We are taking the train in. I think the boys ride free over the weekend, which is great!
Looks like someone (a.k.a. Charlie) is super tired!
Thankfully it's only a 20 min walk from the train station to Millennium Park.  Boat tour down below! Would be nice to do another one of those at another time:
Funny about the signage outside the opera house.  We never did get a lot of cicadas by our home - I guess that's a good thing!
Quick photo op with Graham:
Welcome to Millennium Park!  It's a "Bring your own food, drinks, and blanket" kind of day :-)
This structure if pretty amazing!
Although, there was some thunder during the show but thankfully no lightning,  Wasn't sure if I should be quite freaking out yet being under a metal structure. LOL!

Here's some ballet:
Looks like Charlie is taking a break from it.  LOL!!
I do love the fact that the boys didn't protest too much about going to a ballet:
There was the more traditional ballet in the beginning and then, the latter part of it was more contemporary.  Surprisingly, both Graham and Charlie both preferred the traditional part of it! I'd have to agree with them too, especially when the music was so loud vs. the live orchestra.
Family we-fie!
The length of the show was just right.  We packed up our stuff and unfortunately, looks like the area by the Bean is closed! I wonder what they are doing over there:
We were going to have a quick snack at a fast-food restaurant, but seems that everyone else had the same idea!  So we stopped by a fancier restaurant, where the boys enjoyed their "fancy" drinks. These boys, I tell you!
It started to rain a bit but luckily not too heavily as we still have a few more blocks to go before the train station:
Always phone time when they have a moment to spare:
What a fun day! Even the boys agreed :-)  

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